Thalia Hernandez
Mar 6, 2024

KPIs for sales: definition, types of examples and their importance

Software Development
Thalia Hernandez
Mar 6, 2024

KPIs for sales: definition, types of examples and their importance

Software Development

KPIs for sales

KPIs for sales: definition, types of examples, and their importance A KPI is a key performance indicator (key performance indicator, hence the acronym KPI) that allows measuring the success of a specific activity, strategy, or process.
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KPIs for sales

KPIs for sales: definition, types of examples, and their importance A KPI is a key performance indicator (key performance indicator, hence the acronym KPI) that allows measuring the success of a specific activity, strategy, or process.
Let's get started!

KPIs have certain characteristics that make them a reliable measure:

Achievable: because the goals set are realistic.

Measurable: that is, there is a method to verify its effectiveness.

Relevant: it is important for the company that takes it into account and has an impact on its growth.

Periodic: because it can be measured constantly, at different time intervals.

Therefore, those aspects that have more to do with personal or subjective perceptions are not taken into account but are important for the development of any company, area, business, etc.

There are different types of KPIs, because each activity has its own indicators, from sales achieved in a month, or days without accidents on a construction site. Next, we mention the most frequent ones.

KPI Types:

KPI de marketing

That they are related to the strategies generated for brand recognition, attract traffic to the website, get lead conversions, and, in general, that is related to advertising messages (whether they are to sell, make themselves known, or get specific conversions) in any platform.

  • Conversion rate (when it comes to getting people to take action).
  • MQL to SQL conversion rate.
  • Return on investment.
  • Keyword performance.

financial KPIs

They are used to measure the performance of business activities that have an impact on the finance areas and speak of the economic health of any organization:

  • Gross profit margin.
  • Profit margin.
  • Box luxury.
  • Return on capital employed.
  • Cash conversion.

Logistics KPI

These indicators are of interest to transport companies and take into account different aspects to measure errors in the flow of delivery of goods, costs, profitability, and employee productivity. Of course, that also means that the numbers can be improved. Some of these KPIs are:

  • Cost per driver.
  • On-time delivery rate.
  • Stock rotation in inventory.
  • Order waiting time.

Production KPIs

These measurements allow you to monitor, analyze and optimize operations while helping to compare the company's numbers with those of the competition. KPIs are included such as:

  • Production time.
  • Used material.
  • Quantity produced.
  • Performance (of a machine).
  • Transition time.


These are the ones that help to measure everything related to the personnel of a company, and which help to maintain a good work environment, as well as good productivity among the people who work there, taking into account things such as:

  • Staff turnover.
  • The number of extra hours.
  • How long does it take to find the right profile for a vacancy?
  • Internal promotion rate.
  • Average time per employee.

Quality KPIs

Here we refer to those that are used to qualify a product before, during, and after it is available to customers, so it can be measured in several stages because it is not only about having an article that satisfies people but that can be adjusted or modified over time. Some of these KPIs are:

  • A number of failures.
  • quality costs.
  • Forced interrupts.
  • Percentage of defects.
  • Production safety.

You can also consider the satisfaction indicators of your customers, with data that you obtain through surveys or forms that allow you to measure the quality of a service or product when it is already in use.

12 examples of KPI

  1. MQL to SQL conversion rate.
  2. Return on investment.
  3. Conversion rate.
  4. Sales volume in a period.
  5. Customer acquisition cost.
  6. Percentage of commissions per representative.
  7. Staff turnover rate.
  8. Absenteeism rate.
  9. Employee productivity rate.
  10. Questionnaires.
  11. Complaints and suggestions.
  12. Market research.

Sales KPIs

These allow a better understanding of whether the efforts invested, both in terms of time, personnel, and finances, have managed to attract more customers, grow revenue, or retain consumers, including the performance of representatives. You will surely recognize some of these:

Sales volume in a period.

Acquisition of new clients in a determined period.

Closed deal rate.

  1. Sales volume in a period: to have this data, you need a platform that allows you to record in real time the sales you generate in a given period and access previous data because you will have to compare the performance with that of other occasions.
  2. Customer acquisition cost: with this KPI you can know the amount of money you have needed to invest to get new customers. For this, you will need to know the amount that was used for marketing and sales, as well as others related to the operation of these strategies, such as salaries, video production, etc. The formula is simple: add up the costs associated with new customer acquisition (the amount spent on marketing and sales) and then divide that amount by the number of customers acquired. This is typically seen in a specific time range, such as a fiscal year or quarter. If a company invests 1,000 in marketing in a year and manages to get 1,000 new customers, the CAC would be 1.00, because 1,000 divided by 1,000 customers equals 1.00 per customer.
  3. Percentage of commissions per representative: to calculate the commissions of your sellers, which is also another KPI that reflects your productivity, it will depend on which model you implement in the payment, such as if it is variable or fixed if it is direct or indirect and, of course, the amount: 5, 10, 15, 20%, depending on the objectives of your company.

It is very important to create and monitor the main sales KPIs of your business.

The first point is to define the business objectives. From there, check what directly interferes with that objective.

In this way, the company grows, becomes a reference in the market and the professionals achieve the much-dreamed-of success.

Why is it necessary to establish KPIs in sales?

The KPIs in sales are in charge of providing information on the evolution of sales in contrast to the commercial objectives of the company. The presence of this type of indicator helps the organization to have a clear picture of its direction.

In this sense, these KPIs are necessary to be able to analyze whether or not the different actions that the company is assuming are working. The results of such analyzes allow action to be taken to optimize business strategies and boost sales.

For the ideal development of this process, the KPIs and the business objectives must be designed as a unit, not as separate elements.


SMART objectives in sales KPIs

Business objectives must have SMART characteristics in order to align with sales KPIs.

  • Specific: the objectives must be specific since you must be very clear about what you want to achieve.
  • Measurable: the objectives must be measurable, this in order to be able to determine if they are being achieved or not.
  • Attainable: the objectives must be achievable with a realistic strategy within the capabilities of the company.
  • Relevant: the objectives must be relevant since something that is not really important should not be established as an objective.
  • Timely: the objectives must be delimited in time, in order to know in which period the necessary effort must be applied to achieve them.

14 most popular sales KPIs in companies

Selling is one of the most complex, large, and important activities of any organization. Therefore, there are a wide variety of KPIs that can be established in this area. However, not all KPIs in the sales area have to do with the sales transactions themselves. They can also be related to the performance of activities prior to said sales.

Some of the most popular sales KPIs are:

  • Sales by market share: they are the sales by the number of potential sales to be achieved in the market.
  • Sales by customers: the sales by a number of current customers.
  • Sales Quota Compliance: Represents sales per assigned sales quota.
  • Sales expansion: it is the relationship between an increase in sales between the previous month and the current one.
  • Profitability of the sales network: are the global sales of the total number of sales representatives.
  • Visits per client: are the repeated visits to each client.
  • Sales per visit: the sales achieved by the total number of visits.
  • Visits per day: these are the visits made during one day.
  • Compliance with the visiting plan: the completed visits of the total that were planned.
  • Sales by commercial: the sales achieved by each salesperson.
  • Offers presented by commercial: they are all the offers presented by each seller.
  • Sales closed by a salesperson: are the sales closed by each salesperson?
  • Bids won: are the bids won among the total bids submitted.
  • Customers captured by a salesperson: the number of customers captured by each salesperson.


In summary, the use of KPIs includes everything from setting the goal and the goal you want to reach, to monitoring progress and achieving it. These are indicators that assure us success in the future and that show us how we are in terms of achievements compared to past results.